The Creation of Universe
In the beginning there was nothing, the universe consisted of a great chaotic ocean and Ben-Ben emerged amid this primal chaos. Ben-Ben was a huge pyramidal mount, there was a lotus flower with ben-ben and this when it blossomed brought the God Ra to the world and light came with him. Ra by himself generated the first generation of gods Shu the God of the air and Tefnut the goddess of rain were born. The universe was unwrapped by the vast mass of primordial waters, Shu and Tefnut plunged into the waters to explore its immensity. Ra felt afflicted after realizing that their children were taking a long time to return and fearing never seeing them again he sent his best messenger to find them. Shu and Tefnut returned safe and sound and Ra's joy was so immense that human beings were born from his tears. After returning their children Geb the God of the earth and Nut the goddess of the sky and thus the sky and the earth were created. The great God Ra Sovereignty ruled the universe's power and he was awarded the tital of the first pharaoh.
Ra - the Sun God |
The god gifted Egypt with several sacred animals like the ox and the lion but his greatest offering was the creation of the Nile river, around its shores men would redefine the civilization glorifying the gods but Ra had a premonition that his grandchildren would give birth to a new generation of gods who would put an end to his reign and so the great God forbade the sky and the earth to have any offspring whatsoever but Nut and Geb disobeyed and gave rise to a powerful offspring Isis, Neftis, Seth and Osiris They dethrone Ra and Osiris started to reign over the earth but the new gods throne was not safe because his brother Seth was eager to take all power for himself and so the saga of Egyptian gods began.
The War for Power
After depositing the God Ra, the deity that gave birth to the Egyptian world Osiris became the new got of the universe. The new supreme God took the goddess Isis as his wife and started the reign of great prosperity. Osiris brought civilization to men who until that point lived quite primitively. The God tought them agricultural, weaving and how to make bread besides that he decreed the use of laws which would give older to chaos. The Egyptian civilization began to flourish under the reign of the benevolent God Osiris however Osiris had a powerful ambitious brother Seth his kingdom stood in the arid desert around Egypt and so he was jealous of his brother who had fertile and prosperous kingdom. Osiris had an affair with neftis seth's wife and Anubis the God of the dead emerged from this union. Angered by his brother's betrayal Seth prepared for his revenge, the God of the dry land and personification of evil invited osiris for a great feast in his honor. During the feast Seth gifted the guest with a beautiful coffin and said he would offer it to the one who fits into it perfectly Osiris decided to try it and immediately after settling in Seth closed the coffin trapping the God. The evil God through the coffin into the Nile drowning the supreme God. Isis wept profoundly after losing her beloved husband and these tears pored into the Nile river giving rise to its traditional floods. The goddess and her sister Neftis looked for osiris's body and Isis after finding it tried to hide it but seth spotted it nonetheless and smashed it into 42 pieces and spreading them throughout Egypt, Isis with anubis's help managed to recover the pieces and under the guidance of god of the dead she mummified Osiris. Using her Devine power the goddess was able to resurrect her love but Osiris would now reign over the world of the dead. After coming back to life Osiris had a son with Isis, his name was Horus and he swore he would defeat Seth the usurper of the throne that was his by right.
Isis - The Goddess of Healing and Magic
Osiris - the God of Underworld Seth - the God of deserts and storms Horus - the God of the Sky
Seth after taken throne from Osiris unleashes his reign of terror nevertheless the falcon God Horus has prophesied that he would reign over the skies and would bring the light back to Egypt ending the darkness brought by Seth. Horus already an adult decided to claim his throne which had been usurped by his uncle, the contention is judged by the gods while the court presided over by the sun god Ra decided who would be worthy to sit on the throne a series of clashes between Seth and Horus had begun. Seth had Ra's sympathy since the usurper protested the sun God by the serpent Apophis while his sun boat crossed the skies. Seth proposed a challenge to Horus, both would have to transform themselves into hippos and should be submerged for three months. Horus relied on his mother the goddess Isis to take advantage of Seth's vulnerability to kill him. The goddess felt sympathy for Seth and could not kill him this betrayal enraged Horus who then attacked him mother cutting off her head. The God Thoth the deity of knowledge saved the goddess replaced the severed head with a cow's head. The clash between Seth and Horus continues for many years, when fighting in the desert Seth managed to pluck Horus's eyes due to Hathor's help the goddess of love Horus had his vision restored. The court of gods demanded a reconciliation between Seth and Horus, the evil god pretending to be benevolent invited Horus for a feast in his palace, during the night Seth tried to abuse his nephew making him unworthy on the throne however Horus managed to defend himself and prevented the God's poisonous seed. Horus decided to take revenge and with the help of the goddess Isis the god placed his divine seed in lettuce leaves with was then offered to Seth by the goddess Isis, seth ate the contaminated lettuce. Poisoned Seth started to deteriorate in front of everyone and a golden disc emerged on his forehead. Thoth grabbed the bright disc and ingrained it in her own head. Seth had been humiliated and that was when after 80 years the court granted Horus the throne that was his by right. Isis couldn't be more proud with Osiris assuming the father's throne. Seth's fate was to travel with Ra the Sun God of the skies and his enraged screams could be heard with thunder and so Horus's reign over Egypt began and all the pharaohs who one day reigned over Egypt were his descendants.
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